About CastIronMagic.com

CastIronMagic.com is a new website that I should have completed in the first part of 2021.  My name is DavidM and my goal is simply to offer information about the world of Cast Iron Pans!  In fact, the information found here is exactly what I was looking for as I learned more about cast iron cooking.

I will be offering a place for comments and discussions within the blog posts.  If the blog posts generate a fairly large number of responses, I will install a bulletin board that will make discussions easier and more efficient.  This may be necessary since fans of cast iron cooking can be excitingly vocal and wonderfully opinionated.  

Feel free to drop me a note with a comment or a suggested blog post or anything else you have in mind. 

2020 has not been like any year I have ever experienced.  So take care and stay safe.  

Feel free to send an email to CastIronMagic.com with comments, blog ideas or anything else.  
